June 5, 2023

Meet Bethany Smith, the Co-founder of Lift Your Table

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for reading our ninth blog post. We are honored to have Bethany Smith, the co-founder of Lift Your Table, featured on our blog!

Bethany Smith is an entrepreneur turned ergonomics innovator based out of a suburb of Palm Springs, California. Her company, B Team Solutions, is the originator of Lift Your Table® folding table risers, a simple, yet much-needed and highly effective ergonomic safety product. Starting 12 years ago, her business has grown from selling to neighboring food vendors in a local street fair to innovating the category on the world’s largest marketplace, Amazon.com! Her folding table extenders are also benefiting workers in some of the world’s largest companies by improving the working conditions for thousands worldwide. Her company is certified as both a woman-owned and minority-owned enterprise and she is proud to be a manufacturer who is based out of the United States.

Whether it was selling seeds or candy in middle school, learning to string tennis rackets from a book, or even mowing lawns, Bethany has always had an embedded entrepreneurial streak. As she grew up, she explored several different business ideas and knew that it was a field she was interested in pursuing. However, during high school, she didn’t feel particularly connected to any field or specialty. She had many interests but was confused about which specific ones she wanted to expand on.

This confusion continued throughout her teenage years. She realized that many of her interests had one common theme, marketing. In all of the small side “businesses” she had started, marketing was a big part of ensuring that her products and message were sold. So, as Bethany embarked on a new journey in college she decided to major in marketing. During her time at college, she acquired many crucial skills on how to boost the reach that businesses have. After graduating, Bethany immediately got a job at Folgers Coffee, in a marketing position, where she worked to increase the amount of coffee sold via ads and displays. Through this whole process, Bethany realized that she was equally interested in learning how the products ended up on the shelves in the first place. She wanted to know how each step was conducted, and how a successful business was found. Bethany realized that her entrepreneurial spirit was outshining her interest in marketing, she knew that she wanted to start a business of her own one day.

So, as she transferred from corporate company to company, she kept the thought of starting her own business in the back of her mind. During this time, she dove into many different corporate companies and took on new and unique positions to help diversify her skill set. She worked with Clarks, Porter, and Gamble, and even in Fashion Law. Eventually, Bethany and her husband had the idea to start a Real Estate investment company, which over time grew to have 25 properties. They flipped these properties to be sold to other investors.

After spending years in the corporate world, they eventually moved to California where, unfortunately, the real estate market had been down for some time, and was collapsing. This encouraged her to branch out into different work sectors, in which they started a shaved ice business. Here, Bethany and her husband catered and sold shaved ice on the weekends and at local markets. Spending day after day in the heat selling snow cones wasn’t an easy feat for Bethany’s employees. She noticed that they were experiencing physical pain from having to bend down and make the snow cones on the low table. She was afraid that the low tables would become a real issue long term wise and knew that this issue was one that many people face. This experience, and her concern for her co-workers, is what inspired her to create Lift Your Table, which is now a number one best seller on Amazon.

Although the business is thriving now, it was not easy to start and launch. The idea of Lift Your Table came from a need for the community, and even though the intent was there, executing it and developing it was where the issues arose. Bethany noticed that the main way people were elevating tables and making it easier for their backs was to place big cans under the table legs. This method was incredibly unsafe and unstable. So, the development process for the lift your table adjusters began, Bethany knew she had to create something stable that would protect her co-workers and the people she knew from furthering their physical pains. She couldn’t just look at one dimension, rather, she had to make an accessible solution. This is where the issues with logistics arose because in the initial days, Lift your table did not have the same resources as the bigger corporate companies that ruled the market. These obstacles helped Bethany and her businesses to learn and calculate the logistics of the insurance figures, sales, marketing, packaging, and distribution, as it is hard to scale a company independently. Although these difficulties existed, Bethany’s previous experience in Corporate America trained her well and expanded her knowledge of the theories behind the business world, which is why she recommends everyone leverage any experience they have.

Bethany believes that her perspective as a woman and others is a benefit, not a challenge. She’s proud to be a black female thriving in the entreuprenship, as she was constantly pushed out of competing with big boys. In addition to growing her company, Bethany has started initiatives to work with local women empowerment groups and teach classes on how to start businesses. She specifically walks them through the regulations, paperwork, website development, pricing, and marketing characteristics behind making a business successful. She also tries to encourage them to think of original and unique ideas that they are passionate about and increase the entrepreneurial spirit across all age groups. There’s a stigma right now that people should be choosing safe options that provide them with stable jobs, but Bethany works to push people to take risks and empower individuals that wish to follow their dreams. In addition to starting and leading empowerment groups, Bethany works to provide internships to high school students to increase the youth's exposure to business and build a foundational interest in entrepreneurship.

When developing her business, she knew she wanted it to stand for the pure and right values. She stands 100% behind her brand, with a 100% quality customer guarantee. She specifically focused on having the best customer service possible, encouraging people to reach out and voice their concerns or opinions. Although they can’t help them in every scenario, they try to do their best to help them in whatever way they can. She thoroughly believes that her company is an extension of her and their faith and that god gave them this company, which is why she tries to do her best in school and help people along the way. She thanks faith and beliefs every day.

Bethany’s favorite advice comes from her idol in business, Walt Disney, who said, “Whatever you can dream, you can achieve.” She especially appreciated Walt because not only did he start his own business, but he also dreamed up his fantasy world and went for his desires. Bethany’s advice for all the young ladies venturing into the business world is to continue seeking out what they wish to achieve. She believes that everyone is blessed with their talents, and no one is gifted the same way. Big or small, any contribution you can make to help others or to start your initiatives is something that can make a difference. Simply put, be you, and figure out what you’re meant for. Truly go for your dreams and don’t be afraid to continue searching until you find what makes you fulfilled. Bethany always says that her best ideas and motivations come from her dreams, and believes that “Whatever you write down, you will achieve.” Always write down any idea that brings you inspiration, and make tangible goals to achieve, start small, but always push yourself and reach for the unachievable. Doing something uncomfortable always pushes for the most growth.

You can support Lift Your Table and Bethany’s message of empowerment by following and sharing their posts on social media, engaging with their content, and buying their goods. Currently, Lift Your Table is trying out a new phase of marketing, and supporting them online would greatly benefit their overall message and goal to tackle the small inconveniences in life, and empower women to pursue the business field.


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